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The Vision of Possum Labs

Builders of positive-sum DeFi on permissionless networks.

"The universe is vast, and full of secrets.

A race of Possums set out to explore, and quickly found that the ecosystem they reside in carried with it many dangers. Dangers they hoped to help future generations avoid."

-Epigraph of the Traveler

Possum Labs is a new DeFi primitive that aims to create a vast ecosystem of self-regulating financial products.

In fact, we derived the name Possum from “positive sum,” as we want to create a system in which all parties are appropriately rewarded.

To create such a system, we’ve centered our vision around solving age-old problems that have infamously plagued the current financial system. Among the largest of these problems is the fact that a few large players have a massively disproportionate amount of control over the world’s assets.

This creates a breeding ground for misaligned incentives such as the principal-agent conflict, where asset managers may act in a way that rewards themselves through management fees rather than benefits their clients through responsible investing.

In order to turn our vision into a reality, Possum Labs is assembling a suite of novel financial tools that will be joined together by an overarching system of on-chain governance. The first such financial product will be Possum Portals.

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